Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I've been thinking about resuming blogging, and, in preparation for that, I've been looking over my old posts. I'm struck (and embarrassed) by how badly edited most of them are. I mean, I know I read them over before posting, but, obviously, I wasn't paying much attention. Oh, well...


Gravity Drop said...

Blogger comes with spell check, but it's not that great.

Jon Hastings said...

My spelling isn't so bad, but a lot of my sentences are badly structured. They're also often overly-complicated, and I get the sense that while tinkering with them, I leave out words or forget to make all the necessary grammatical changes. And I think that when I’m reading them over, I put the words back in or make the changes (in my head, that is).

Unknown said...

I have a similar problem with overly complicated sentences. Probably we both read too much German philosophy in our youth.

Please do resume blogging, though--I need something to get my blood pressure up during the workday.